KRCM Membership Application
Don’t forget to e-transfer (not PayPal) your membership fee to You are not a paid-up member until the funds have been received.
KRCM Code of Conduct
As a member of KRCM:
I will support KRCM and adhere to the Constitution and Bylaws, the Policies and Procedures, and the Code of Conduct.
I will act with honesty and integrity
I will not discredit or lower the dignity of another member of KRCM, and will treat fellow modelers with dignity and respect.
I will adhere to all of the safety rules and guidelines of KRCM and MAAC.
I will share my knowledge, skills, and experience with all members of KRCM.
I will make myself aware of policies, rules, and regulations regarding KRCM and flying safety, and foster compliance with them.
Membership Year:
The rights of membership shall terminate on December 31st of each year unless dues for the following year have been paid.
Publications may continue until March 31st of the following year.
Membership shall be continued on the receipt of dues.
Members enrolling after the 1st day of September shall pay 50% of the application fees for the remainder of the current year.
Persons joining in November or December are credited for membership in the following year and must pay the applicable fees for that year.